A word from the Editor-in-Chief Yasser Barakat

جريدة الموجز

An Egyptian writer who heads the board of directors and the editorial team of ElMogaz newspaper, considered one of the most widespread and influential Egyptian newspapers. Barakat is one of the prominent journalists who led the confrontation against the Muslim Brotherhood during their rule. Through his insightful and revealing articles, he managed to expose their political and financial crimes against the nation, which was on the brink of being lost under the rule of this group.

Barakat did not stop at exposing the internal crimes of the Brotherhood but went on to uncover the dirty files of the international organization of the Brotherhood. He revealed plans and meetings aimed at sabotaging Egypt in the past year. His articles and exclusives were the talk of political and media circles. He may have been the first to publish details of the international organization's meeting in Turkey and Pakistan, exposing Qatari support for the Brotherhood.

Throughout his professional career, Barakat has succeeded in making ElMogaz a journalistic school with a leading position in the media. This was achieved through his outstanding management of the newspaper's team, which consists of a group of the most alert and best young journalists.

تم نسخ الرابط